“Grabbed a spoon” 是一種用於形容某人或某物突然採取行動或準備好參與某事的說法。這個短語通常表示某人或某物做好了準備,準備投入行動或參與某項任務或活動。
例如,如果在一場比賽前,可以說一名選手 “grabbed a spoon”,表示他或她已經做好了準備,準備參與比賽。這個短語也可以用於形容某人在某種情況下迅速採取行動,例如某人在做飯時說他 “grabbed a spoon”,表示他或她準備好開始烹飪。
例句:They grabbed spoons and had a friendly ice cream eating contest.
The kids grabbed spoons and scrambled to pick up the most Easter eggs hidden in the backyard.
He grabbed a spoon and eagerly started building a sandcastle in the sandcastle building competition.
Sarah and Jane grabbed spoons and challenged each other to a watermelon seed spitting contest.
The team grabbed spoons and quickly assembled their Lego pieces in a timed Lego building contest.