探究 least, the least, at least 的用法及詳解

在英文中,least、the least、at least 這三個詞經常混淆使用,造成學習者語法上的困惑。了解這三者的正確用法,不僅可以幫助我們避免語法上的錯誤,同時也有助於提升英文表達的水準。


Least 是一個形容詞或副詞,意思是「最小的、最少的」。這個詞通常用來修飾或比較兩個或多個事物中的最小或最少部分。例如:

    • She has the least experience among all the candidates.
    • He earned the least amount of money in the company.
    • Among all the options, choosing the least expensive one is the most sensible decision.
    • He always takes the least amount of time to complete his assignments.
    • The least I can do is offer my help in this difficult situation.
    • She has the least experience among all the candidates applying for the job.
    • This option seems to be the least favorable for achieving our goals.

The least

The least 和 least 的差別在於前者通常會跟上一個名詞,表示「最小的」或「最少的」部分。例如:

    • He always chooses the least expensive option when eating out.
    • She bought the shoes with the least amount of damage.
    • Of all the desserts on the menu, the chocolate cake is the least appealing to me.
    • She always gives the least effort in team projects, which affects the overall performance.
    • Among the three options, the third one is the least expensive.
    • The least I can do for you is to offer my condolences during this difficult time.
    • He is the least qualified candidate for the position, lacking the necessary skills and experience.

At least

At least 最常見的用法是表示「至少」,通常用在表示數量、時間、程度等方面。例如:

    • You should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. (你每天至少要喝8杯水)
    • He’ll be back in at least 2 hours. (他至少要兩小時後才回來)
    • At least you tried your best. (至少你已經盡力了)

除了表示「至少」之外,at least 還可以用來表示「最起碼、不少於」等意思。例如:

    • The train was delayed for at least an hour. (火車晚點了至少一小時)
    • She makes at least $500 a week. (她每週至少賺500美元)


least、the least、at least 的用法各不相同,應根據上下文和語境進行區分。掌握它們的用法能夠更加自然、準確地表達自己的意思,僅僅是語法問題,實在沒有太多的技巧,多閱讀、多練習是最好的方法。


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